Firstly, a very merry Christmas to all our followers and readers as we get further into this festive period. We hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year and that you enter 2022 with a new spring in your step, refreshed and ready for anything.
We have so much going on at DSP in 2022 to read through covering closing times, new projects and more below.

Sanctuary Gaming Café
The Sanctuary Gaming Café is now live and off to a fantastic start, we have had great attendance and some fantastic feedback from many of you with how much you have enjoyed it.
Thank you as well to all those who have been sharing our social media posts and please do continue..
Some reminders:
Entry is FREE until January 21st – So invite your friends and family so they can make the most of it. We also have some A4 flyers if you want to pass them on (we would really appreciate it). Anyone signing up before January 21st will be classed as a founding member and get FREE entry for life! (WOW)
New Games – We have just received our new games for the month Dune, Picture perfect and King Domino (expansion) for those itching to try them out.
Menu now available online – Our menu with some unbeatably affordable prices is now live on our website
Mentoring - Our mentoring programme begins in January for all those who need bit more support and a friend (Keep reading for a link and more info).
DSP New opening hours
Due to the popularity of our services Disability Support Project has now increased its opening hours from 10am – 2pm to:
Monday to Friday 9am – 5:30pm (Excluding bank holidays).
DSP & SGC Christmas closing & re-opening dates
Disability Support Project will be open until the 23rd December and then re-open on the Tuesday 4th January 2022.
Sanctuary Gaming Café will have its last meet up on the 17th December and reopen on the 7th January 2022.
Donate A Game
If you would like to join our “donate a game” drive for families on a low income who may struggle and / or a local children’s charity this Christmas (dependent on the quantity we receive), click on the link below.
Family time is so important these days and games are not always affordable. Please remember that any games donated need to be new or complete and in good condition.

SGC Smash Up Tournament
This Friday 17th December at Sanctuary Gaming Café we are having a Smash Up card game tournament. You don’t need to own the game or even know how to play, and entry to the tournament is FREE. You can also get in some practice at SGC each Friday leading up to the tournament.
You can win the game itself or an expansion, plus some other great prizes
Be there or B²

We want to provide a big brother / sister to all those who need an ear, a friend, and a safe space. Our Mentoring programme kicks off in January and we want to give our community a lifeline to turn to when they need that extra bit of support with anxiety, stress, depression, or a strong case of shyness. Our mentors will be there each Friday at SGC or you can schedule an appointment for them in the week.
Contact our team if this is of interest to you.

Finance Education For Schools
One of our completely new programmes to stay tuned for is for our local Schools. We want to launch a programme in partnership with the schools in Redditch to teach practical, real world finance handling to our children.
This can include any of the following:
• Budgeting.
• Debt Avoidance.
• Safe use of credit cards.
• What to look at with by now pay later schemes.
• What to do if you get in debt.
• Good contacts to keep with you.
As a charity we support those in financial difficulties and with a little help before stepping out on their own, they may have avoided needing our services now. If you think your School might be interested get in touch.

We will continue to work with local charities, organisation, and businesses throughout 2022 to ensure you can find some of the services you need to help with disabilities, disorders and more.
Some of them can be found on our website via the link below.
If you are part of a charity, organisation or business that wants to help our community grow, get in touch about our partnerships.
Our team is completely made up of volunteers and we only charge minimal amounts for certain services, so we rely on the generous donations you provide each year so that we can continue to do so.

We want to thank the National Lottery, Redditch Council and Arnold Clark for their donations this year to our projects.

Also to all the individuals who have donated, although we can mention you all in this post a massive thank you.
If you would like to help by donating to DSP for 2022’s projects click on the button below:

Want To Help But Can't Afford To Donate?
Not everyone has the spare money to donate, but you can still be a big help without any cost to you at all!
Sharing and giving us reviews gets the word out that we are here to help and support our community, and those further afield in England and Wales.
If you are not sure how to help, click on this link below for more information.

That’s not all!
We have several other projects in the pipeline that are not quite ready to disclose. Make sure you follow our news blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Blog or LinkedIn to hear about it as we can go live.
All our links to our social media pages can be found at the top right hand corner of our website, so please LIKE and FOLLOW.
You can also sign up to be a member of our website and receive email updates from our news articles and events.