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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a lifelong, incurable illness that affects the motor, brain and balance functions of those with the illness, most commonly diagnosed while in their 20's and 30's. It can cause serious disability as it has a spectrum of effects and severity.It can have very drastic life effects but with the correct support can be managed through professional support. Little is still known about Multiple Sclerosis as research continues to shed light on it.


What most people are unaware of is that this condition affects more than just movement and co-ordination, it also has the effects of the following:


  • High levels of fatigue

  • Difficulty with controlling motor functions

  • Difficulty with vision - for example blurred vision

  • Difficulty with controlling bladder functions

  • Experiencing numbness/tingling in different areas of the body

  • Stiffness or spasms in muscles

  • Difficulty with balance

  • Difficulty with thinking, planning and learning

Practical Help For Multiple Sclerosis

Naturally working with Multiple Sclerosis can be difficult depending on the severity of your condition. Some can continue a relatively normal life however some may struggle with learning or moving around for their whole lives. Disability Support Project is aware that the symptoms can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety so can assist with benefits applications (form filling), appeals, and tribunals for the following:



More help with Cerebral Palsy

Your GP should provide you with guidance and might refer you to an occupational therapist. You can also find more support and information on the links below:



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