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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

As the name suggests CFS / ME has a major impact on your energy levels. Both CFS & ME are the same condition but the name has undergone changes over time as the medical world has better understood the condition. This is a long term condition with no specific cure, however it can be managed to a degree and even overcome with some changes to diet, lifestyle and routine. 

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What most people are unaware of is that fatigue / extreme tiredness is only part of the condition and the most common. Some of the other symptoms may include any or all of the following:  


  • Extreme Fatigue / tiredness.

  • Muscle, nerve & joint pain.

  • Sleep problems (Insomnia).

  • Headaches.

  • Swollen glands and sore throats.

  • Memory Issues.

  • Concentration Issues.

  • Flu-like symptoms.

  • Inability to control your temperature.

  • Feeling dizzy or sick. 

  • Fast or irregular heartbeats.

  • ​

Unfortunately those suffering from ME / CFS rarely get much energy back from sleeping which is partly why recovery can be very difficult. 

Practical Help For ME / CFS

Naturally working with ME / CFS can be difficult depending on the severity of your condition. Some can continue a relatively normal life where as others can be bed ridden. Disability Support Project are aware that the symptoms can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety so can assist with benefit applications (form filling), appeals and tribunals for the following:



More help with ME / CFS 

Your GP should provide you with guidance and might refer you to an occupational therapist. You can  also find more support and information on the links below:


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